Category Archives: Animals

House chicken

A few months ago, our backyard chicken coop was raided by what we think was a weasel. It had apparently gotten in through a small slit in the chicken wire that otherwise completely covered the top of the coop. All members of our dear flock met a gruesome end, except the appropriately named “Emo.” She we found in the morning, wandering the yard in a daze. To keep her safe until we could rebuild the regular coop, we constructed a temporary coop in the back stairwell and made her into an indoor chicken. She talks to us when we go up and down with the laundry.

You may be interested to know that she is now in the dining room, scaring the cats, thanks to a custom-mase chicken diaper.


I guess if you’re going to keep a chicken indoors, you might as well go in for a penny in for a pound.